Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cock puzzle

Unbelievably, this was also from the Radio Times! Even if the telly is complete rubbish, its still worth buying for the concentration of cocks in one place. Genius.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should show the clue also...anyone can write cock. Look there I typed it, what a clever cock I am :)


ps Hi Tim

Wrigglesworth Tordoff said...

Dear Dale,

This is a very good quality control point. Of course I am personally above suspicion in terms of fabricating entries for our site; however we must be vigilant and apply due process in order to weed out those subversive elements of our community who will stop at nothing to get themselves recognised as cocking colleagues.

I'm afraid this particular copy of the Radio Times has been recycled several times since this entry, so no dice!