Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mr Woodcock

More formulaic clap-trap from Hollywood to insult our intelligence and pack the multiplexes. Why would anyone demean themselves to such an extent by forking out the best part of £10 to watch drivel like this?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Simpsons

From yet another in the growing army of Cocking Colleagues - Sara this time - well done for spotting Matt Groening's yellow and increasingly unamusing cartoon caricatures trying to muscle in on our world of cock.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Saturday's Telegraph Magazine

Another in a growing series of cock captures from Nicki. At last, an offer in a weekend supplement worth having: cock cutlery; very poor quality cock cutlery at that. Just what my kitchen is missing!

Mystery cock man

Another cock-based conundrum to get your teeth into. This is a bit easier than I would have preferred, but who is this mystery man called cock?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Mel Gibson's Cock

A genuine coup for Things Called Cock - who would have thought that the anti-semitic, rambling alcoholic's cock would be so prominently on display for all to see duting family viewing times on Saturday afternoon. Even more damning is the clear evidence of old sugar tits himself in bed with another man. Shocking!


What better way to make use of a newly delivered telephone directory? Look for someone with Cock in their surname, take a photo of it and then chuck the directory in the bin. From an newly enthused Cocking Colleague in the north - welcome Charlie boy to your new family.